Hilarious about the tee shirt (also the invisible car). My sister was one of those born after tubal ligation, although Mom's ligation was because the docs thought she would die if she had another pregnancy. I've always been grateful for the ligation fail, because otherwise I'd have been an only child, and I desperately wanted a sister.

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I'm so so so so glad for my siblings too! So glad your sister exists. I don't know how only children handle being only children. I guess no choice. And what year was your sister born? I had a coworker who was born in 1970, the third child after her mom's tubal ligation. She eventually had a hysterectomy. The coworker's mom, not the coworker.

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My sister was born in 1949. The doctor paid for all the care including surgery and hospital for her because he said it was his fault the ligation didn't work.

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